Laura Witt

When Laura relocated from the Midwest to Seattle in 2017, her fascination with the outdoors really went into overdrive. She had countless opportunities to experience the outdoors while living in Seattle. She devoted a lot of her leisure time to hiking and camping across the Pacific Northwest, particularly in western Washington. But, like many people, she deals with family commitments and does not have a lot of free time to explore. Laura discovers the secrets to having adventures in life, even if it's just on the weekends. She created a blog, Amateur Adventure Journal, to encourage weekend warriors, office workers, and amateur explorers to go outside. She wants to motivate people to go on fantastic adventures and simplify trip preparation so that travelers can spend more time traveling and less time reading about their destinations.


GAFFL's mission is to make travel easier and more affordable for everyone. Our travel blog is expertly curated by experienced writers from all over the world who are constantly adventuring and sharing their knowledge to make it easier for you to do the same. Our website/app helps travelers from over 190 countries in finding a travel buddy. Whether you're backpacking in Asia, road tripping in Australia, or exploring national parks in the United States, you can find a travel buddy on GAFFL, plan trips, split costs, and travel together.