This Full-Timing Family Of 5 Are Living The New American Dream
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26th Mar | 4 min read

They're a full-timing family of 5, dedicated to paying off debt, enjoying life, and traveling. They call it living the NEW "American Dream". You can follow their adventures on Instagram @fulltimingfamily and you can connect with them on GAFFL.

Why We Started RVing Full-Time

We are a military family, so this is how we keep our family together. We are full-time. We will stop when it's right for us, but that’s not any time soon!

We Purchased Our RV Brand New

We purchased it because we wanted it to be our own and we aren't going to be in one spot long enough. Price ranges vary greatly! You can find a new one for $20k, and up to $80-90k. From our experience shopping, you pay for quality. We purchased ours in the 60k range. 

Purchasing new is for people who want the warranty and are very good at fixing things up if needed.

Used Come with more maintenance and risk, but if you're good with your hands... I say go for it.

If your goal is to save money and/or you don't make enough to purchase new... I would think of purchasing used.

Our RV is a Jayco North Point 377RLBH 2020. We got it from Albany RV in New York. They delivered to us in Maryland for a small fee. We love Jayco because they have an excellent warranty. 

Read more: The Wickes Family Sold 99% Of Their Belongings And Moved Into Their RV Seeking Adventures In All 50 States!

Where We've Traveled To So Far

We've done 3 cross-country road trips to about 20 states. Everywhere has its charm! I highly recommend visiting them all. Our favorites are Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and California, but as I said, every place has its charm. For instance, Maryland is not my favorite place to visit. However, I would go back to Assateague Island and Solomons Island. Both beautiful places.

We do day trips or month trips (we are currently on). If it's vacation, trips tend to be no longer than a week. For work, we go for about a month. 

The Benefits Of RV Living Over Road Tripping In A Car And Staying In Hotels

Your home is right behind you! When you stop, anything you need is a walk away. Private bathroom- especially useful for traveling during covid. It is far cheaper to do it this way than hotels.  A hotel is about $100 a night. With harvest host, boondocking, and tents for troops, most stays are free. And most RV parks would only be about $50 a night.

Read more: This Family Of 5 Sold Everything A Year Ago And Have Been Fulltime RV-ing Around The USA Ever Since

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Typical Costs Associated With RV Life

We will have exacts on that, soon! But gas is the big cost. With memberships like harvest hosts and boondocking, the actual stays are very cost-effective. You could travel entirely free (aside from food and gas, of course).

We are over-prepared always, so nothing has yet caught us off guard. But I imagine if you hit technical difficulties while on the road it could get pretty costly.  Popped tires are very common- thankfully, always checking tire pressure (daily) will mitigate that risk. 

Read more: @Baconsontheroad Detail What It’s Like Being A Full-Time RV Family Traveling Around The United States

Biggest Challenges To RV Living

You can't stop for Starbucks. Gas station food. You have to go to the SEMI truck gas stations. You can't stop just anywhere.

That's about it! It's a different way of travel but actually allows you to save more money on the trip. We overcome them by looking at them like a positive for the temporary time they last.

Read more: They Sold Everything 4 Years Ago To Live In Their RV Full-Time: Justin & Stacy Share What RV-Living Is Really Like

RVing During The Pandemic 

Some states have restrictions and have not opened up their fifth wheel parks, but that is when harvest host membership has come the most in handy. We have stayed virtually in isolation at amazing locations- so it's easy to social distance while traveling still.

I would assume that the toilets and shared showers at campgrounds are safe, Just because people have been ripping up their cleaning. But if you have your fifth wheel with you there's no need to use public showers or toilets anyways.

Advice For First-Timers

Things will break. Plans should be tentative/flexible. Get RV memberships. Drive no more than 5 hours a day. Stop some days for longer than just the night- enjoy some travel time! Be picky with amenities your fifth wheel comes with. 

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