He's Visited Every Country In The World & Made Over $2,000 000 From Travel Blogging. So What's Next For Johnny?
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26th Mar | 3 min read
"I want to live an extraordinary life. It comes at a cost, but the alternative is to waste opportunities and look back with regret".   

Johnny is just a normal 30-something Irish guy trying to live a life that isn't average. He grew up in a single parent household, on welfare, so he’s always been focused on breaking that cycle for himself. You can follow his adventures on his blog One Step 4Ward.

Why I travel

I wanted to be free. I don't want to request a 2 week holiday, asking someone permission to follow my dreams. So off I went, with no money and no plan. But I was free. I continued it because I wanted to become the first person from Ireland to visit every country in the world, and that was a 10 year journey!

I used to be an English teacher but then..

I had heard of American bloggers making a full-time income talking about their relatively 'safe' travels to Australia, Thailand, Amsterdam etc. I figured my wild stores of Yemen, Papua New Guinea, Ivory Coast should be able to inspire people more than yet another '2 weeks in Thailand' post. So I started. 

I’ve made over $2 million travel blogging and so can you

It's not so complicated to be honest. Advertising revenue, affiliate marketing, tours, public speaking, SEO, it adds up quick. Be smart with your money, leverage your platform for sponsored travel, invest and focus. 

One of my best travel memories

After 10 years, to every country in the world, it's impossible to say just one. I share a lot of my stories on my blog, but hitching a ride in a cargo ship through the Somalian waters for 4 days to reach Socotra Island, my 196/197th country was a beautiful experience. 

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I want to be the first person to visit every country, the 7 summits, and the north and south pole

About 200 people have visited every country, and about 20 have done the Seven Summits along with the North Pole (where I ran a marathon) and South Pole. So it's a small group, and no-one has overlapped it. The every country thing was tough because it's such a time consuming process, a decade of my life! Now the mountains are hard because they're quite pricey too (Everest is $50k+), but also you risk your life at high-altitude.  I had hoped to finish next year but COVID has cancelled 2 of my mountains, so let's see. I'm 36 now, so I hope before 40. 

After that...

I'll continue to take groups to difficult places like I have done in the past - Syria, Iraq, Yemen etc. I've been fortunate to meet some great people in these places so I can facilitate trips to tricky places, and I really enjoy helping people access destinations like these. Other than that, I travel to 8 countries per year to build clinics, playgrounds, schools etc with my non-profit Mudita Adventures, so I'll continue to do that too. 

How to successfully live as a digital nomad

It always comes down to money when we talk about challenges for a unique lifestyle. To be truly free, you need financial independence. That means a passive income from investments, and a nest-egg to make sure you're never stuck in a bad spot. You need a base, ideally mortgage-free, to remove the financial pressures of that too. After that is secure, you need a monthly income to allow you to maintain your lifestyle. No-one dreams to be that weird guy in his 50s, bumming around in hostels, struggling to afford a flight home. I grew up poor, and that's my worst nightmare. So we need to concentrate on security to avoid that, and less on social media projections on 'living the dream'.

I want to live an extraordinary life. It comes at a cost, but the alternative is to waste opportunities and look back with regret. 

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