Feel Good Story of the Day: Former NBA Star Sets up Deal to Deliver 10 Million N95 Masks to New York
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26th Mar | 2 min read

With the "feel good story of the day" we try to give you guys a break from the bleak. As we go forward during this pandemic, we’ll try to write an uplifting post for you as frequently as possible.

A couple of days back we wrote about how New Yorkers are adopting all of the shelter cats and dogs. Today, we’re staying in New York City and telling you about how one of the city's very own is giving back to his home state.

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Former New York Knicks star Stephon Marbury is looking to procure 10 million N95 masks for hospital workers and first responders in New York who are on the front lines fighting COVID-19. 

The 14 year NBA vetran, who played for his hometown New York Knicks before heading over to the Chinese Basketball Association, is working on a deal between New York and a Chinese supplier that would provide the state with 10 million additional N95 masks at well below market cost.

Currently New York has a severe shortage of life-saving medical supplies. Many health care workers have resorted to reusing their N95 masks, wearing homemade face shields, sports goggles, and in some cases bandannas for protection.

Marbury was inspired after learning about the state’s lack of protective gear and the astronomical prices that they’re being required to pay for N95 masks. Face masks for front-line staff, normally about 58 cents each, have been quoted by sellers at $7.50, according to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s office. Not only that, but thermometers are double their usual price, and latex gloves are triple.

While there have been some issues connecting Governor Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio’s in regards to Marbury’s offer, state Department of Health spokeswoman ,Jill Montag says that state officials in charge of buying masks  “want to talk to Stephon!”

On the whole situation Marbury had to say “at the end of the day, I am from Brooklyn. This is something that is close and dear to my heart as far as being able to help New York. I have family there in Coney Island, a lot of family … who are affected by this, so I know how important it is for people to have masks during this time.”

If you’re looking for more positive vibes, try checking out our uplifting coronavirus stories post. For more daily feel good stories, make sure to subscribe.  

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