Monica Has Been Travel Blogging For Over 10 Years While Also Growing Her Young Family
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26th Mar | 2 min read

Monica lives in Wales with her partner and their three young children. She’s a travel blogger and has been blogging at The Travel Hack for over 10 years now. Monica usually travels somewhere new once or twice a month and is always exploring the UK. You can connect with Monica on GAFFL or over on her blog The Travel Hack.

Why I Travel

I've always had this urge to do something exciting, something different and memorable. When I was a kid I was terrified of becoming a grown-up and having a boring life that revolved around work and household chores, so after university I went backpacking for two years before I settled into this boring adult lifestyle I imagined. Little did I know that my backpacking adventure would spark an idea for a travel blog which would eventually become my career and I'd never end up with that boring life I was scared of. I now continue to do it for the love of it and also because it's my job!

I've met so many people through travelling but I've also met a lot of people through travel blogging. The blogging communities are so strong and close and some of my best friends today were met through travel blogging events and by travelling together.

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How I Choose Where To Travel Next

It's often determined by price. I'll check Skyscanner to look for flights on a particular date and see which flights fit my budget and fit in with my schedule. Sometimes I'll end up going somewhere totally random simply because the flights were cheap and worked well with other plans.

I like to travel twice a month for 3-4 days so I usually travel within Europe. I have young children so if I'm travelling without them I don't like to be away for too long.

How I Stay Financially Ready For My Trips

I tend to plan my trips beforehand so I know how much I'll be spending and budget accordingly. While I was backpacking for two years I did run low on money a few times while I was in Australia but I had a Working Holiday Visa so I knew I'd be able to stop travelling for a few months and find work. I had a lot of experience working in hospitality so I knew I wouldn't struggle to find work.

Advice To New Solo Travelers

Don't worry about what other people think. So many people let other people's opinions stop them from travelling solo - whether that's your friends and family at home or other people you'll meet while you're away. We worry what people will think when we're eating alone in a restaurant or if our friends will think we're weird or lonely for going alone. But it doesn't matter what other people think. Loads of people travel solo so just get out there and do it!

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