33 And A Half Months Later: This Traveler's Craziest Stories Can Be Found In The Pages Of His Passport
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26th Mar | 3 min read

Oskar is an unceasing explorer and intrepid traveler. He once bought a one-way ticket to Brazil and ended in the Himalayas 33 and a half months later. His thirst to discover what he only knew through maps and books has led him to travel and learn about different places and cultures around the world. Without a doubt, his craziest stories can be found in the pages of his passport. To get a closer look at his adventures, make sure to follow him on Instagram @the_travel_animal. You can also connect with him on GAFFL and travel together!

Why I Love To Travel

Since I was a kid I had the curiosity to see the world and I was able to do it by watching movies, which transported me to places all around the planet. However, it wasn’t until I was a teenager and watched Motorcycle’s Diaries, which narrated the life of a young “Che Guevara” traveling around South America, a trip that changed his life and would do the same with mine. That movie changed my perspective in life and catapulted me to explore other latitudes, try different foods, merge in new cultures and see different ways of life.

I continue and will continue traveling for the rest of my life because the world is so big and there is so much to see, explore, and learn. And just like I was once inspired, I want to inspire others to travel and embrace a new culture, eradicating stereotypes and creating a better world for everyone through tolerance and love for each other.

I’ve met thousands of travelers through my travels around the world, from wonderful Buddhist monks in the Himalayas and friendly alpaca shepherds in the Andes, to an adventurous Bangladeshi in the Grand Canyon and intrepid cyclists pedaling from Patagonia to Alaska. However, there are two people from which I made long-lasting friendships, one is from Uruguay and the other from Chile.

I met both of them in São Paulo in the first month of my 33 and a half trip around the world. I met Maria Jose in the first days at the hostel and made a connection immediately. She was from Santiago and was visiting Brazil for a cosmetology show. We kept in touch and I visited her two times during my travels. Gervasio on the other hand was from Montevideo and was exploring the most populous city in the southern hemisphere when I met him at the hostel. Our connection was very deep because we had very similar views on topics like travel, politics, and life in general. I stayed with him and his family for a couple of weeks in Uruguay and kept the friendship going. I keep in touch with both of them and look forward to seeing them again in the future.

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How I Choose Where To Travel & For How Long

I look for places that involve nature, adventure and culture, and then make a list of them. Once I have the list, I look at costs of traveling there and the best time to visit (weather permitting). I make the final decision once I have reviewed my options thoroughly.

I travel as much as I can, but it varies on my job, which is not constant because I choose seasonal jobs that give me the opportunity to travel on the off-season. My usual length can vary from one to three months, although sometimes I extend it to 6 months.

Solo Travel Related Challenges That I Face

Some of the things that have prevent me from traveling more are my job and indisputably, money. Sickness and weather situations have prevented me also, but in a lesser extent.

Some of the biggest challenges of traveling solo are emergency situations, personal & gear safety, and loneliness.  

In the past, when I have been bored or lonely, I fight that feeling by doing activities such as going for a walk, chatting with locals and making friends with other travelers. However, it’s important to learn to be alone because it serves as a foundation for your own development and growth as a human being.

My Advice To Those Who Are Just Starting To Solo Travel

Don’t think it too much, go for it. There is not a perfect time to go, give the first step and the rest is history. You’ll manage and figure things out on the road. Embrace the unknown. The world is a beautiful place, so don’t waste valuable time waiting for the perfect moment, you’ll thank yourself when you get older.

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