A 6 Day backpacking Trip To Thailand Changed Sean's Perspective On Life And Led Him To Quit His Job To Travel The World
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Sean left his comfortable home and career in New York City in 2018 to explore and discover what genuinely inspires him.
25th Mar | 6 min read

Table of Contents

    Sean left his comfortable home and career in New York City in 2018 to explore and discover what genuinely inspires him. Since then, he's walked through the Andes, put his lungs to the test at nearly 5,000 meters above sea level, met the world's deadliest spider in the Amazon Rainforest, and explored the world's deadliest nuclear disaster.

    On his blog Living Out Lau, you will find travel guides and travel tips as he shares his adventures around the world.

    Be sure to follow him on Instagram to stay up to date on all of his latest trips.

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    What Inspired Me To Quit My Job

    The fear of limiting my life to one career, one location, and one story. There is so much to see out there and I didn’t want to only experience a fraction of what the world has to offer. 

    Filandia Colombia

    I Solo Travel Often

    I travel solo whenever I can. I don’t think there is a place too dangerous or too remote to be explored alone, especially since most of the time you will be meeting other travelers along the way.

    How I Decide Where To Travel Next

    I pick where to travel next depending on how much the flights are, is it a good time to visit, how connected the destination is (will I need to take flights to get out or can I travel by land), and how expensive is the destination, and if there is a backpacker scene.

    The duration of my trip is undetermined. I like to be spontaneous so if there is a place that I really like and I want to spend 2 months there, then why not?

    If I don’t like the place and want to leave in 1 week, that is also an option.

    Tayrona Colombia

    How I Pack For My Trips

    When I am backpacking solo, the one thing I don’t leave is my electronics (and passport obviously). My camera, my laptop, my phone, and all the related accessories are musts for my trip.

    I don’t tend to worry too much about stuff like clothes, shoes, and toiletries because you can always buy them at your destination.

    Paracas Peru

    My Favorite Memories Of Meeting Travelers & Locals

    Meeting people on your solo travel trip is a lot easier than it sounds. Personally, I use a combination of dating apps and social media to meet locals. For other travelers, it is super easy to meet them via guided tours (like free walking tours) and just by staying in hostels. Just remember you're not the only one solo traveling!

    One of my favorite memories of meeting other travelers is when I was volunteering in an eco-lodge in the Ecuadorian Amazon. I met people from the Czech Republic, Norway, Ethiopia, and France there, and we really bonded over the course of two weeks. They are still some of my best travel buddies to this day and we chat regularly.

    I think GAFFL is an excellent platform for solo travelers to meet other people. As everything becomes more digital, it becomes many solo travelers' go-to place to meet other travelers. 

    Travel Buddies From Around The World

    One Of My Best Travel Experiences

    One of my most exciting travel stories is when I was in Tikal National Park in Guatemala. I met this Spanish guy from Bask County when I was in Flores and we got along pretty well. We both wanted to visit the Tikal Ruins but I suggested that we camp there for a night before and then catch the sunrise the morning after.

    So we got to the campsite and rented a tent, which was literally just the plastic outer shell and nothing else. We set ourselves up on a hard concrete platform with no mat or anything like that. And plus, we were camping for only 1 night so we didn’t bring anything that could keep us warm or comfortable. 

    Needless to say, we had a miserable night. Not only was it cold, but we were constantly woken up by the sounds of the jungle (Tikal Ruins is located in the heart of the Guatemalan rainforest). We heard howler monkeys, (probably) jaguars growling, and all sorts of crazy stuff.

    I didn’t sleep at all but I would 100% do it again.

    Teotihuacan Mexico

    Countries I Have Visited So Far

    I don’t typically count how many countries I have visited but it is probably somewhere between 15-20. It is nothing but a number to me and I think traveling is more about the experience than the number. Yes, I do have a few bucket list destinations: Iceland, Nepal, Faroe Islands, and Antarctica! I am always adding more to my bucket list!

    Difficulties Of Leaving My Job To Live As A Digital Nomad

    Before I left New York City, I always knew I wanted to travel for a long time. So I saved up quite a bit of money that could last me about 2 years of traveling. When I started traveling, I had a blog set up but it only had one article.

    It wasn’t until I was in Lanquin (Guatemala) that I met some legit travel bloggers that inspired me to pursue my own travel blog.

    Tikal Guatemala

    Why I Launched My Blog

    I always knew I wanted to help other people travel more, but I just didn’t have an outlet. Now with my blog, I can inspire other people to travel and provide them with valuable tips along the way. In 5 years, I can see myself running a hostel somewhere in the world and building a community that inspires and helps travelers.

    What A Full-time Traveler Should Know In Order To Sustain Their Travels

    If you want to sustain your long-term travel, you need to learn how to make money remotely. If you aren’t good at that, then you must first learn how to travel economically. The biggest challenge is most likely having to change your occupation and doing something out of your comfort zone. Some of the more popular jobs you can have while you travel are teaching and copywriting.

    Cajas Ecuador

    How I Manage My Work & Travel

    Finding the balance between work and travel is difficult, but I manage to do some by having a “schedule”. 95 percent of the time, I am working at night, which saves me money as I am not going out. I also tend to designate working days for myself and these days are typically when I have to do laundry, after an exhausting day, or just when I need it.

    How I Save Costs For My Solo Trips

    I travel on a budget most of the time. In fact, I think I am very good at traveling on a budget as I spend no more than 1k a month typically. I save money by staying in hostels, eating locally, cooking my own food, taking public transportation, and doing my own tours.

    Nara Japan

    Advice For Travelers Who Want To Pursue Full-Time Traveling

    If you want to pursue full-time solo traveling, just do it. You regret the chances you don’t take than the chances you will. Life is short and you have to get out of your comfort zone sometime.

    Day of the Dead Oaxaca Mexico

    Things I Wish I Knew When I First Started Traveling

    One of the things I wish I would’ve known before I start solo traveling is how addicting it is. You just don’t want to stop and sooner and later, you will run out of money. So I recommend if you plan on starting to travel solo, then you want to have a plan to sustain your travels.

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