Estonia Trip Planner Are you planning a trip to Estonia? Start planning your itinerary on GAFFL. Here’s how:

Pick A Trip Type

Click on “Start A Trip” and pick your Trip Type

Choose Your Destination

Choose Estonia as your destination and select how long your trip in Estonia will be

Input Your Trip Details

Create a title for your trip and describe it by including things you will do and places you will visit in Estonia

Start Your Trip

Select a meet up point and if other users on GAFFL like your trip itinerary, they can request to connect and meet up with you in Estonia
tallin and riga
Explore Tallinn with Zeeshan
Apr 2, 2025 - Apr 5, 2025 (Flexible)
I am going to explore both cities and there centers

Connect with Mora to meet up for coffee or drink
Connect and stay in Mora's home
Connect with Mora to know about the hidden gems of Tallinn
Connect with Mora to explore Tallinn together
Adventurer of all sorts! Love meeting people, doing new things, and having new talks!
Connect with Elina to meet up for coffee or drink
Connect with Elina to know about the hidden gems of Tallinn
Connect with Elina to explore Tallinn together
I'm happy to show around Tallinn to visitors and most likely take a walk around the city, since t...

Male, Age 25
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Love traveling, meeting new people, and experiencing different cultures in every way. I love ex...
Female, Age 35
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Working and traveling in Australia :)
Male, Age 36
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Hi! You have just found one easy-going Estonian 🖐
Male, Age 28
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Male, Age 32
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Currently searching for exciting trips and adventures around the world to create unforgettable me...
Female, Age 23
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I’am an open-minded gal with positive outlook on the life. I want to travel the world, meet new p...
Female, Age 28
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I’m 23-year-old Estonian girl
Lahemaa National Park
Female, Age 27
Verified by
Software Engineer looking for travel companions for a road trip from SF between 17th - 24th of Feb.


Why is GAFFL the best website/app for planning a trip to Estonia ?

It is completely free to start planning your trip to Estonia on GAFFL. You can keep all of your trip details in one place, including things you’ll do, places you’ll visit, where you’ll stay, and when you’ll fly. Also, after you’ve planned your trip, GAFFL helps you connect with other like-minded travelers planning a similar trip at the same time as you.

How do I plan a trip to explore different cities on GAFFL?

Planning a trip to explore cities on GAFFL is entirely free and very easy. Click on ‘Start A Trip’ and select ‘Explore Cities’ as your trip type. Then after providing your current location, select the city you want to plan your trip to. Create a title for your city exploration trip and describe things you’ll want to do and places you will want to visit. Then select a public place as a meetup point before or during your trip. You can also book hotels in that city and flights to that city and keep the information stored within your trip itinerary. Someone planning a similar trip can request to connect, meet up, share costs, and explore the city with you.

How can I plan a road trip to Estonia on GAFFL?

Planning a road trip to Estonia is completely free on GAFFL. Click on ‘Start A Trip’ and select ‘Road Trip’ as your trip type. Then choose where you’re planning to start your road trip and where you want to finish it. Create a title for your road trip and describe things you’ll do and places you want to visit while on the road. Then select a public place as a meetup point before or during your trip. Someone planning a similar road trip can request to connect with and together you can split costs for things like rental cars and lodging.

How do I plan a backpacking or hiking trip on GAFFL?

Planning a backpacking/hiking trip is absolutely free on GAFFL. Click on ‘Start A Trip’ and select ‘Adventure Travel’ as your trip type. Then choose your specific destination or a hiking trail and select the duration of your trip. Name your upcoming backpacking/hiking trip with a title and let others know the details of the trip in the description. Then select a meetup point in a public place. If other adventurers like your trip, they can request to connect and meetup with you.
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