come and explore with me

القاهرة، محافظة القاهرة‬، مصر

Connect with mooom to meet up for coffee or drink
Connect and stay in mooom's home
Connect with mooom to explore القاهرة، محافظة القاهرة‬، مصر together
Connect and lend mooom's vehicle or get a ride
Connect with mooom to know about the hidden gems of القاهرة، محافظة القاهرة‬، مصر


Walking around the city, drinking a drink to cool off the hot weather, and staying up late in a club or restaurant to the sounds of dance music

Meet Point


Offered by mooom
From القاهرة، محافظة القاهرة‬، مصر ; 31 Years Old


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Hello, I am looking for people to share my trip with me, or residents of the city I am traveling to, to share information with me about the city and the... see more
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