Flexible companion always up for a good time.

Scone. Newcastle Australia.

Connect with Michael to meet up for coffee or drink
Connect with Michael to know about the hidden gems of Scone. Newcastle Australia.
Connect with Michael to explore Scone. Newcastle Australia. together
Connect and lend Michael's vehicle or get a ride
Connect and use Michael's travel and outdoor equipment
Connect and stay in Michael's home


Road trip to every where. Check out all australia has to offer. Festivals and social events are happening all of the time. We can attend what ever events are scheduled at the time.

Meet Point


Offered by Michael
From Scone. Newcastle Australia. ; 61 Years Old

Michael G Middo Middleton

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Fairdinkum Aussie bloke. Living and touring in 7 birth luxury motor home with car motorbike and boat . Always keen to share my lifestyle with fellow... see more
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