A 2 weeks road trip towards Broome from Coral Bay/Exmouth

Trip Completed

Coral Bay WA, Australia
Broome, Western Australia, Australia
From Nov 17, 2023 to Nov 30, 2023 (Flexible)

Trip Details

Hi guys 🌞 We are a group of 5 backapackers. We were a convoy of two 4wd but our other friend had to leave. We are actually in Coral Bay and are heading to Broome ! 🐠 We will probably leave Coral Bay/ Exmouth in 5 days πŸš™ If some of you are going the same way either in one car or already as a convoy we could drive together and share the fun and the space, cause we’re a bit tight in one car now ! πŸ˜„ We like fishing, hiking, snorkeling, playing cards and all sort of games, having fresh beers and cooking good food ! Feel free to send me a pm ☺️ Cheeeeers 🍻

Meetup Point

(Connect with Marie to see this)

Trip created by Marie
From Coral Bay WA, Australia ; 26 Years Old

Marie Pouch
Verified by Email