Looking for a travelbuddy 🌞

Lake Constance (Germany), Germany
Auckland, North Island, New Zealand
From Mar 9, 2025 to Apr 30, 2025 (Flexible)

Trip Details

Hey you all! I want to see as much as possible from new Zealand and I'm open for all adrenaline adventures like bungee jump, skydiving, diving, kayaking, free camping,..

Because I love the summer and heat I want to go to the Philippines, Vietnam to skip the autumn season in New Zealand. I have a working holiday visa so maybe coming back after the travels to work there. But I'm really open for changing plans 🥹

Unfortunately to buy a camper my budget is not enough so we can share the cost?:)

Meetup Point

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Trip created by Marleen
From Lake Constance (Germany), Germany ; 26 Years Old

Marleen Rinderknecht
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