South korea seoul 2025

Birmingham, United Kingdom
Seoul, South Korea
From Mar 18, 2025 to Apr 2, 2025

Trip Details

Hi. I am solo travelling to South korea in march 2025 in seoul and 3 night in busan. I wanna it meet some one who's probably also travelling during that months or some one local from South korea that I am able to share experience,  explore, travel and enjoy the culture with. And most important not feel left out in South korea 😂. So I am looking forward to meet some one that I am able to share this experience with 😄.
Just for knowledge I have been taking classes to learn korean and japanese and There are few other languages that I can speak fluently english, hindi,urdu and punjabi if that help any one to able to Communicate. 

Meetup Point

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Trip created by Jaiwinder
From Birmingham, United Kingdom ; 26 Years Old

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