Traveling photographer on a mission to capture the world

Lexington, Kentucky, United States
Manila, Metropolitan Manila Area, Philippines
4 more places
مانىلا، Metro Manila, Philippines
Angeles, Philippines
Vigan, Philippines
Baguio, Philippines
From Apr 1, 2025 to Apr 30, 2025

Trip Details

I am retired Army and a photographer. I plan to renting a car and travel the different loops while photographing the wonderful cities, villages and land scape.  I arrive in Manila on three April early in the morning, and I will be staying at the mad monkey for the first few days as I photograph the city and see the sites. I hope to find someone who may have an interest in sharing the expenses and see the country with me.

Meetup Point

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Trip created by tracy verification-badge
From Lexington, Kentucky, United States ; 62 Years Old

tracy Hankins
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