Work trip needs to be interspersed with some culture!

Nottingham, United Kingdom
Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
From Sep 23, 2024 to Sep 30, 2024

Trip Details

Hello, I'm Marie, 39 years old and I'm a dementia researcher who is presenting findings from my latest research at a conference for 3 days within the week.  I would like to know a little more about the culture and history of Buenos Aires.  Whether you're a local or another traveller who's willing to let me tag along with them on an occasion or two, it would be awesome to meet!  My Spanish is really rusty though and hasn't been practiced since school which was a great many years ago, so this is my biggest embarrassment, especially as I am so busy in the impending months that I won't get a chance to really practice as I should.

Meetup Point

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Trip created by Marie verification-badge
From Nottingham, United Kingdom ; 38 Years Old

Marie Janes
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