Rediscovering myself after many years of believing I needed to be who others wanted me to be. I’ve rediscovered the part of me who has a deep soul need to travel and see the world. This is my journey into authenticity.
I will be exploring the world over the next year or so—not too many plans set in place, and so many things I want to see and do. I have a few places I have to be for some retreats/trainings along the way—October 8-19 I will be in a training in Bali; February 5-20 Costa Rica; April 22-May 2 in Tuscany; September 2-5 in London; October 1-6 Ireland.
I am also a mental health therapist and will be working remotely while I travel; as a business owner, I am able to design my career to support the life I want to lead, so I will be working three days each week (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays) and have the other days to explore and experience.
I love learning about the history of the lands I visit and hope to honor the the indigenous inhabitants of every place I visit by learning and respecting their lands, their traditions, and their histories.