My Travel Inspiration
When I was a kid, I remember I used to hate moving to other
cities or traveling because of my dad’s job. However, this changed when I
started high school and I began to be interested in learning languages (English
and French), and as a result of this, I used to spend a lot of time reading,
watching series or films in other languages.

I realized I wanted to travel to other places, practice the
language, try different food, and basically, immerse myself in the culture.
My first trip abroad was in Canada when I was 16, and it opened
my eyes. Since then, I have been traveling to many European destinations, and
I cannot wait to explore other continents.
I love the feeling of waking up in a different city, eating the
local food, watching the sunset, and connecting with the place.
How Often I Travel And Activities I
My way of traveling has changed a lot in the last year and a
half. Because of travel restrictions, I had to minimize my trips, and others
were canceled.
However, I often travel locally on weekends, and I travel home
(Spain) for longer periods such as summer, Christmas, and other significant
holidays, and I try to go abroad every two or three months.

When I travel, I love visiting historical buildings as well as
nature parks and beaches. For me, the perfect trip is a mixture of everything.
Regardless of the place, I always love taking photos and finding less explored

Picking Travel Destinations
As I live in the UK, I tend to look for warmer destinations, but
apart from that, I look for flight and hotel prices as well as things to do. I
like to spend at least a week in a destination; however, it isn’t always
possible so I might stay less than that.

Once I decide on the location, I like looking at things to do
which I save on Google Maps. This saves you time and effort when traveling
around the place.
My Packing Manual
Before I start packing, I think about the different outfits I am
going to wear for each day. Although this may sound too much for others, I
believe it does help you be organized and avoid over-packing.
My must-haves are my camera and phone as I am passionate about
taking photos and recording videos.
Favorite Memory Of Meeting New People
Social media has helped me connect with other bloggers and
content creators who I’ve met in person. Meeting with them has been amazing as
I got on well with them as well as learned from them.

One of my latest meetings was in Marbella, Spain. Despite being close to my
hometown, I had never visited the Old Town of Marbella, but this Instagram
friend showed me the town, took me to a popular tapas place known by the locals
and we took many photos. I had a really good time, and I highly recommend
meeting people you’ve connected with via Instagram or other social media

My Blog And Its Mission
Before starting my blog, I was using Instagram to share my
travel tips and expat experience with my audience. However, one day I decided
that I wanted to have something that really belonged to me, and I could give
more useful tips.
As I have always loved writing, I made up my mind and started my
travel and expat blog, My Little World of Travelling. My blog’s mission is to empower
and inspire female travelers to live abroad and have more authentic
experiences abroad.
My focus is European travel, but more specifically Spain and the
UK as most of my time is spent between these two countries. I provide local
tips for traveling and living in both countries, so my readers can have the
best experiences.
My Biggest Challenges To Adapting To New Life In the UK
The biggest challenge was to be completely independent. Before I
moved to the UK, I was living with my parents, and I had never moved on my own.
I was worried about making the wrong decision or struggling to meet people as
an introvert, however, moving to the UK pushed me to improve my English, meet
new people, study for a master's in a British university, and much more.

I think the key to conquering your fear is to face them. Also,
if you are moving abroad, be patient and understand that adapting to your new
life will take time, but you will see positive results (such as improving the
language, being more independent, growing as a person, etc.) in less time than
you think.
GAFFL As A Travel Buddy App
Solo travel is amazing because it makes you get out of your
comfort zone, but it can be challenging if it’s the first time you travel solo
or if you’re an extrovert. I think that GAFFL is a great place to connect with other travelers from all around the world and plan your trips. It’s definitely
a good app for solo travelers.

Traveling On A Budget And Managing Costs
I always like to set a budget for my trips to keep on track of
my expenses. One of the main things that help me stick to the budget is
researching the destination. I have a look at potential restaurants or bars I
want to try, whether museums and historical buildings have an entry fee
(although they may do, some of these places have days where you can go for
free), etc.
When I am tempted to buy something, I always ask myself whether
I need it or not.
Countries I Have Traveled To And My
Bucket List
I have mostly traveled around Europe (Spain, Portugal, the UK,
Cyprus, France, and the list goes on), but I have also visited the US and

One of my favorite trips was to Paphos in Cyprus. I didn’t have
many expectations about Cyprus, but it really surprised me in a good way.
spent there a week, and I wish I stayed longer. During that week, I visited
stunning places such as the Akamas Peninsula National Park. I went on a 4x4 trip,
swam in the crystal blue sea, and went on a day cruise. It’s a destination that
many people don’t think about but it’s truly worth visiting.

Although I’ve visited these incredible places, there are still
many places on my bucket list. The top destinations I would like to visit soon
are Bali, Mexico, and Santorini.
Challenges Of Traveling And Living Abroad
Some of the biggest challenges of traveling and living abroad
are dealing with culture shocks, learning the language, and meeting new people.
However, you will definitely learn and improve as time goes on.
Advice For Readers Who Want
To Travel As An Expat
Being an expat is a life-changing experience and it really opens
your eyes. My biggest advice is to be open-minded. As you are going to live in
a different country, you are going to find things that are very different from
your culture.

You don’t need to agree with the way something is done in a
particular country but respect it.
Lessons Learned Through
wish I’d known that I would never feel like I belong to one place. Since I
started traveling, I feel like I don’t belong to only one place and home is
wherever I want it to be and it may change over time, or I can consider home
several places at the same time.
I thought traveling was going to be something temporary, but it has become one
of my priorities in my life!