After Quitting Her Career Of 15 Years, Kelly Moved Into Her RV And Has Been Traveling Around The USA Ever Since!
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26th Mar | 6 min read
"Within 6 months of that breakup, I had rented my house, purchased a travel trailer and a truck and I hit the road, not knowing that the next five years would be the best of my life".

Kelly has done ‘all the things’: been married, had long-term relationships, bought multiple homes, went to college for a bit, but she never had kids and didn’t want any. She’s always felt like there had to be more, so she went on the hunt, and what a wonderful and fulfilling hunt it has been! Whatever she wants, she usually gets (succeeds at doing it). Kelly loves being frugal about things she MUST pay for. She much rather keep her dollar bills and spend them on what she WANTS to spend them on! You can follow her adventures on her blog and by following her on Instagram. You can also connect with Kelly on GAFFL!

The Inspiration Behind My RV Adventures

I had always dreamed about traveling around in an RV. One day after a big breakup, it dawned on me that it was now possible. Everything was in place. I was single (No-one around to say ’no, don’t want to do that). Both of my kitties had recently disappeared (I have good reason to believe a neighbor 'did away' with them somehow), my home was rentable with very high rent compared to my morgtage, so a decent income could be had there. I had a part-time job (on top of my sticks and bricks full-time job) that could go mobile for more income. (I had to quit my 15-year personal trainer/pilates job to live this way.)

My mother had lived in her RV for the last 18 years at the time. Maybe that was a little influence. What was to stop me? Within 6 months of that breakup, I had rented my house, purchased a travel trailer and a truck and I hit the road, not knowing that the next five years would be the best of my life. I never looked back. 

Is It Expensive Driving Around In An RV?

It depends on how you choose to road trip and which side of the country (USA) you are on. Sort of. Out west, one can camp on public lands like I do. In the east, there’s not much public land at all. Therefore, there aren’t free places to camp. So if you don’t stay for free, it is just as much or more to go on a road trip in a RENTED RV. You have to cover rental fees, which are high, campground nightly costs, and pay for a gas guzzling motorhome or tow vehicle. It only makes sense to buy an RV for a road trip if you see yourself taking multiple trips per year. I’d choose RVing over hotels ANY day. Hotels are BORING, dirty, and expensive!

I think I live MUCH more cheaply than I would living with a mortgage or rent. So just living this full-time RV life affords me savings of hundreds or thousands of dollars per month. I only need gas money to get to the next spot, and only occasionally pay for water or a dump station. I get propane every now and then. THAT’S IT. My other costs/bills stay the same as one would have living ’traditionally’. I still have health insurance, phone, auto insurance, internet, food, etc to pay for. 

But while on the road, I started a company with another full-time RVer. We started a website that teaches/educates new RVers. This source of income has become my sole source of income. All we need to work is a cellular connection! 

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I Do This Full Time

I live in my RV and because I stay on public lands, I must move often. Usually the length of stay is 2 weeks. Then I must move on. I follow the weather. North/higher elevation in the summers, and lowest elevation possible in the winters! So for me, public land stay rules determine the length of each stay. And the weather pushes me around!

I’ve been all over the west. Colorado, Montana, California, Oregon, Washington state, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, and Wyoming. I  think the west is best for RVing as there is SO much public land to explore. Utah and Colorado are thick with stunning views. Next? I wouldn’t mind doing New England next fall… but I grew up in the SE, so don’t feel much need to explore down that way. I’d love to RV in another country with friends! Stay tuned...

Sometimes It Gets Challenging

Figuring out where to go next is one of my biggest challenges. These days, I go where other friends are parked. Through this lifestyle, I now have more friends than I ever have in my life. It’s an amazing thing. I also go where the weather will be best (as do my friends). But you can’t just find a piece of public land and park wherever you like. You are only allowed to park where camping is permitted. And in legitimate camping spots. There are websites and apps out there to help you find places. But you never know before arriving if all the spots will be full or not.

Stuff like that is a challenge. It gets a bit tiresome at times. Also, doing this for so long… one tends to go to the best spots in an area. There MUST be good cell signal, so I am a little more limited with my good spots than some. So I return to those best spots year after year. That in itself kind of ruins the experience a little. Takes away the ’new’. I’m not complaining, just saying...

Don't Think Too Much About Public Facilities

People use public facilities all the time. Public bathrooms especially- everywhere, every day. I used one today in fact. It’s about using common sense. Touch as little as possible, wash your hands before you leave, and wear a mask. You can’t know how well anyone has cleaned ANYTHING anywhere you go. So you have to simply be smart. Protect yourself as best you can. 

My Advice For First Time RVers

Expect the unexpected. Well, that’s vague. It’s hard to say what one should know or that they wouldn’t expect. Everyone’s journey is going to be  different. While towing, I have had a flat tire and also got stuck on public lands once, but that may not be the next person’s experience. There are weird unexpected things I guess, if someone doesn’t do any research. You will have to deal with your own sewage. And you may have accidents. (Well, it’s pretty much a matter of time on that one)

You’ll have to be flexible. The ability to ‘bend with the wind’ is a good thing for RVing. RVs do have problems and they will arise. At the worst times. First timer advice? Usually I tell people who have been wanting to do it to just do it. Analysis paralysis is a real thing. Nothing teaches you quite like getting out there and just doing it. If you fail miserably, even then you have some great stories to tell! It’s just life. Go do it and live it to the fullest!

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