This Couple Has Been Road Tripping Australia For The Last 6 Months With Plans To Lap The Whole Country
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26th Mar | 2 min read

Ben & Shauna are a young couple from Victoria, Australia who absolutely love to travel and experience life to the fullest. They have been together for almost 6 years and love making memories together. You can see some of those memories by giving them a follow on Instagram @exploreauswithus.

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What Inspired Us To Start Traveling In Australia

We’ve always wanted more from life and have loved travelling to many parts of the world together so we thought why not travel our own backyard and there’s never been a better time to do that with no overseas travel allowed.

Our Travel Plans

We started planning our trip about 12 months in advance which was mostly just getting the car ready and purchasing a camper trailer.  Since we traveled with a camper, we didn't need to book anything because we were able to free camp and plan each day as it came.

The main things we needed for this trip were:

A fridge 

Portable shower 

Water tank

Camp chairs 

Gas cooker 

We don’t have an itinerary as such but our plan is to do a whole lap of Australia with no time frame. Originally we planned to do 6 months but here we are and we are nowhere near done, so it will be at least another 6 months because we’re only halfway around Australia! 

We’ve Met A Lot Of Travelers

We've met a lot of other travellers doing the same as us, many from Australia and overseas. It’s been great to meet new people and also just to get ideas and recommendations from them. 

Favourite Memory So Far

We’ve made a lot of memories so far so it’s hard to pinpoint one but if we had to say one it would be flying over the Whitsundays and Great Barrier Reef.

How We’ve Managed To Keep Costs Low

We’ve been pretty good so far with sticking to a budget but to be honest the best thing we’ve done was starting an online business which has helped us make an income along the way 

Hikes And Sights Not To Be Missed In Australia

If you can, make sure you check out Cape York in North Queensland and also Kakadu and Litchfield national park in the Northern Territory. Uluru is also a must-see if you travel to Australia.

Tips For Anyone Road Tripping Australia

Make sure to set out a budget 

Have a 4wd so you can get to remote places 

Plan around the seasons (wet/dry)

Download wiki camps app 

Most importantly just go with the flow and try not to plan your days too far in advance! 

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