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22nd Feb
| 5 min read
With experts recommending everyone to stay at home to minimize social contact, the spread of the coronavirus has left everyone worried about themselves and their loved ones. While some are worried about their business, jobs, rent, and budgets, others are disheartened due to the number of canceled events and the closing of bars and restaurants. What to stock and what not to stock is another question that’s on a lot of our minds. But what’s really worrying everyone is the rising number of people affected. With the current situation the world is facing, it is important to take care of ourselves and to remain inside during this global pandemic. But the big question is, how do we stop ourselves from going crazy by being at home all day? Here are some activities you can do to keep yourself busy.
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Whether you’re bored at home and can’t find anything to do, or you just want to munch on snacks and catch up on your favorite shows while you’re in quarantine, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and other streaming services have you covered. In fact, a google chrome extension calledNetflix Party, lets you “quarantine and chill” virtually with your friends from different locations, so that you and your friends or family can watch movies together without posing a health risk to each other.
A lot of us get so caught up in work and responsibilities, that our own hobbies and passions get side lined trying to make ends meet. Now that you have to be home and can’t go out as much, you can snuggle up with a book and catch up on your reading. Here is a list of27 Best Books to Read in 2020 - Best Literary Novels, Non-Fiction. You can cook, bake, paint, or do what entices you at home.
Work on Projects
We all pretty much have some unfinished work-in-progress masterpiece laying somewhere in our house that has been deprived of our attention due to the business of our daily lives. Whether it is a painting, a personal website, a half-finished blog post, a journal or a scarf, you can go back to finishing it or even start a new one, now that you have some time in your hands. You can even come up with activities such as redecorating or rearranging your house. They are fun and can keep you occupied.
Check in with Friends and Family
As we adult and get caught up with our responsibilities, our friends and family often take a back seat. Now is a great time to catch up with friends and families we didn’t get a chance to check up on in a while. You can reconnect with long-distance friends through phone calls and video calls through apps such as Skype and FaceTime. Not only that, you can also check in with your networking contacts.
If you like writing or have a blog, you can get your writing flow going when you’re under quarantine and won’t be distracted. You can get some idea on what to writehere. Whether you want to start a new piece, or finish an old one, now would be a good time to do it to prevent you from getting bored.
Work on Your Budget
Unforeseen situations such as the COVID-19 situation can leave people worried about their money, with restaurants, bars and schools being closed and work becoming remote. It is a good idea to revisit your budget and make changes to it to fit your new financial situation, or to ensure that the old one is suitable at a time like this.
Focus on Your Beauty Routine
Put on face masks, hair masks and take care of your extra beauty needs which you don’t usually get to make the time for. You can try ondifferent skincare productsto find which suits you best that you can incorporate in your daily skincare. The best part? Even if you break out, you don’t have to walk into work or school with a huge pimple on your face.
You can even dress up at home and wear that dress you love but could not find an occasion to wear to, and take pictures for the gram!
Work out at home
The gym being closed can be frustrating for a lot of people. But that does not mean that your fitness has to be on pause. You can always work out at home. There are different fitness apps and memberships that you can try out too since you can’t hit the gym.Staying Fit Through A Quarantineis very much possible.
Play games
You can play video games to keep yourself entertained while you’re under quarantine. Check these out to find some of the best games and deals on them:
Being stuck at home may get frustrating after a certain time and can impact our mental health. Therefore, it is important to Manage Anxiety and Isolation During Quarantine, while staying safe and healthy. Remember to wash your hands often, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily and cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and disposing of the tissue properly.
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You guys are doing a wonderful job. First by providing a platform for travellers and now spreading awareness by writing this post! Keep up the good work!!
You guys are doing a wonderful job. First by providing a platform for travellers and now spreading awareness by writing this post! Keep up the good work!!