8 Travel Outfits You Should Always Have on Hand
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11th Mar | 4 min read

As we all know, picking out travel outfits is always a challenge. They need to be comfortable, to show up well against practically any background, and to stay neat and clean through the packing and traveling. Here are some travel outfits that look good anywhere!

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Black Leggings, Black Turtleneck, Flashy Coat

Black leggings and a black turtleneck merge together for a smooth and seamless look from head to toe. They look and feel classy in any setting, against any background. However, a flashy coat will lend the whole outfit a distinct personality. 

Best of all, every piece in this outfit can be repurposed. Just change the coat, and you’ve changed the outfit. Match the black leggings with a skirt or dress next time, or match the turtleneck with a skirt or pants. Just by carrying this outfit, you have a wide range of combinations you can change up every day.

Loose Jeans, White T-Shirt, Large Coat

Planning for a whole-day walk around the city? Choose something that shows up well during the day and the night. Loose jeans of a paler blue matched with a white t-shirt are comfortable and casual to wear, helping you blend in (always a good thing on a trip). A large coat, on the other hand, sets off the simplicity of your outfit.

And, like our earlier suggestion, this outfit can be mixed and matched however you see fit. Jeans make every top casual, a white t-shirt is great for laid-back days but also mixes well with semi-casual outfits. The large coat, of course, can be matched with any other outfit if you match the colors and styles. 

Tube Top, Track Pants, Blazer

This outfit is a stand-out, but we don’t always travel to blend in, right? The blazer will set off the simple inside outfit, and you will look both athletic and dressed up. You might want to save the outfit for nights out or friendly meetings, to make the most of the combination. 

Pack a tube top, the more neutral the color the better. Track pants and sneakers, also neutral, will help you blend your outfit and mix and match the pieces with your other outfits. Depending on the sleeveless top, don’t forget to research and pack a top-rated strapless bra to match. It should help you stay cool and comfortable on your trip

White Pants, Large Shirt, Boots

A comfortable yet casual look starts with white pants, set off by a darker or bright large shirt or blouse, and boots. The contrast of the shirt against the pants, especially if the pants are slim-fit, emphasizes your figure while still giving you space to move in comfort. The boots add classiness and height to the outfit.

And, of course, mix and match them with other pieces! If you happen to bring those other pieces we suggested, those white pants will look great with the black turtleneck, the leggings can easily match the shirt, or a tube top can match the pants. The possibilities are endless. 

Yoga Pants, Sweater, Shoulder Bag

An easy way to stay comfortable and classy is to match a simple set of yoga pants with a plain sweater and a flashy shoulder bag. The yoga pants make it easy to move, the plain sweater helps change up the outfit, and the flashy bag takes it from basic to statement. 

If you want to change it up, match patterned yoga pants with a neutral top, or wear a statement sweater instead of a statement shoulder bag. Looking back at our other suggested outfits, the black turtleneck could be a sweater that you can use in this combo. The statement bag can also match the other black-and-neutral pieces.

Neutral Matching Track Set

A neutral-colored matching track set always looks casual and is comfortable especially if you’re planning to visit parks and outdoor areas. Match it with sneakers and a simple backpack, and you can wander all over the great outdoors.

The great thing about neutrals is that they’re really easy to match with other pieces, which we keep repeating because, well, it’s true! Your track pants can go with the blazer and tube top we suggested, and your track top doubles as a sweater for the outfits that require that look.

Straight Jeans, White T-Shirt, Fancy Duster

Duster coats are fun because they are usually light and breezy, perfect for making a statement and showing up happy and relaxed in hotter climates. Straight jeans and a white or beige t-shirt set off the simplicity of the look, so your duster can really stand out.

I’m sure by now you already know our recommendations for mixing and matching this outfit! Obviously, the white t-shirt can be used with the statement coat and loose jeans. If you’re not packing the other kinds of pants in our recommendations, straight pants generally match every top. And a fancy duster is a good casual look for everyday wear. 

Solid Color Top, Pants, Shoes, or Sandals

Here’s a secret: if you carry mostly neutrals, you can get away with a few bright pieces and not look like you’re wearing the same things over and over again. Here’s a tip: make sure those bright pieces match each other, so you can put them all together for at least one day’s outfit. Following that, you can separate them per day.

What else can we say? You know what to do! Choose 2 or 3 kinds of pants, throw together tops that will match all the pants, add a couple of statement coats or dusters, pick shoes that go with practically everything, and you are more than ready to travel!

This post was written by Mira

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