What Inspired Me to Start Traveling
My older siblings had traveled, and they had inspired me greatly. I also knew that traveling in my twenties would be a good learning experience. I continue to travel for the sake of relaxation as well as the ongoing curiosity and fun of discovering new places.

How Often I Travel
Every year, I try to travel to at least one new location, either domestically or internationally. Obviously, the world has changed in terms of travel, at least for the time being, and I am venturing out again, but this time closer to home.
How I Choose Where I Want To Travel Next
Being from Melbourne, I usually like to go somewhere warm for a winter vacation to defrost. Previous vacations have typically lasted 5 to 10 days and have taken place in northern Australia or Europe.
One year, I spent 5 days in Broome, Western Australia, and another year, I spent 8 days in Palm Cove, Queensland. I usually prepare by making a long list of what to take and researching the best things to do online!

How I Pack For My Trips
I try to pack as light as possible while still leaving room for purchased items. Sunglasses, bathers, a novel or biography, and my own shampoo and conditioner are all must-haves.
Safety Precautions I Take When I Travel Solo
Before arriving at my destination, I conduct online safety research. I also keep my phone charged and ensure that I know where I can get a taxi if necessary. Once I arrive, I also download my location in Maps, so that the maps app is accessible even when there is no internet service.
I Enjoy Discovering Hidden Gems
On my travels, I enjoy discovering hidden gems because they usually result in the most memorable experiences, especially with friends or my partner. But, having said that, I've had a great time visiting some tourist attractions! I believe it all comes down to having the freedom to choose rather than feeling obligated to do only what others have done before you.

Travel Apps Or Websites I Use On My Trips
Whatsapp, Maps.me (a lifesaver!), Instagram, Booking.com
What Inspired Me To Start My Blog
I was inspired to start my blog after seeing hordes of people traipsing through Europe on group tours where you have to follow the tour guide with a flag.
While I enjoy taking tours, I wanted to encourage some travelers to choose their own travel path in order to save money and energy while having the best trip possible. I've also visited some of Australia's most beautiful stunning spots and was keen to pass on real accounts of these areas.
Some Cool Travel Stories In Australia
I used to live in Byron Bay, New South Wales, for two months during the summer when I was much younger. My best friend and I worked for a local tour company that offered return trips to the well-known nearby town of Nimbin.
We were paid a commission based on the number of backpackers we could sign up for the tour. Although we didn't make a lot of money, we made a lot of friends while riding our bikes to all the hotels and hostels, and we still talk about that time.

Things That Prevent Me From Traveling More
I used to travel alone or with friends, but now that I have a partner, we try to travel together as much as possible. Covid has clearly influenced the amount of travel for everyone in 2021. Other factors include our day-to-day family and work responsibilities.
Advice For Those Planning To Make Long-term Trips To Australia
Plan ahead, but let yourself be flexible. For example, know how many liters of water you'll need to travel through the desert. However, if you're traveling along the coast or in cities, don't book your accommodations too far ahead of time. Leave yourself open to the people you meet and other options, while maintaining a sense of adventure.

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