What Inspired Me To Start Traveling
I’ve never really been satisfied with the
traditional wake, work, eat, sleep, repeat the routine. The monotony and ennui were
really getting to me for a while! Traveling gives a new perspective and
facilitates an open mind, which I am all about. It makes me more confident in
myself and my beliefs.

My Travel Frequency And Activities I Enjoy
Pre-pandemic, I would take about four major
international trips per year. This was when I was still working an FT job as an
environmental chemist back in the States. In January of 2020, I left home with
my dog to travel around Europe indefinitely. The pandemic happened, and we’ve
since settled in Romania.
I’m not as into museums and attractions as I
am interested in experiencing culture, food, and local life. I like getting
lost in pretty neighborhoods, taking photos, befriending locals, and of course,

Picking Next Travel Destination And How I
Prepare For That
I usually choose my next destination based on
either cheap plane tickets or close proximity by train.
Before I set
out to travel indefinitely, I would use Skyscanner to find cheap flights,
usually to obscure places. Since leaving and traveling with my dog, I planned
my next destinations based on ease of travel by train since he’s not the
biggest fan of long rides (and after flying him over from the USA, I know that
planes are not really an option for us).

The Packing Manual I Follow
I am arguably the worst packer. I have
virtually no sense of style, and always pack things I don’t need and leave
things that I would have used. Some things that never fail - black yoga pants,
comfortable hiking shoes, portable charger.
I also like to have ibuprofen and
melatonin since they aren’t always easy to find in other countries. And a wine
key! No one likes being stuck in a hotel with a bottle of wine and no way to
open it!

Favorite Memory Of Meeting New People
I met my fiance during lockdown 2020 while in
Romania, so I guess that’s a good story! We had one successful date despite
living a few hours from each other (thanks, Tinder). After that one date, we
continued talking and pursuing each other. Our second date was a month later when we moved in together. I had my dog with me from the States, but we also
adopted a rescue pup together. In a few weeks, we’ll add a baby to the family
as well.

How I Started Earning In The Digital World To
Support Full-Time Travels
I signed up to teach English online to Chinese
children through the VIPKID platform. I began in September 2019 and comfortably
left the USA in January 2020. Unfortunately, over the course of the past few
weeks, the Chinese government has implemented new laws that prevent foreign
teachers from teaching Chinese students, so I am currently in limbo. Since I am
9 months pregnant, I’m not applying to anything now. However, a few months
after the baby is born I will pursue more freelancing work in SEO and

How To Sustain Full-Time Travels And The
Challenges To That
I mean, an income source, obviously. If you’re
a freelancer or work as an independent contractor, being able to manage your
time properly is imperative. I would suggest having multiple side hustles and
not relying on one source of income, as I had been, in case something happens.
You don’t want to be left scrambling for a job in another country.

The Role That GAFFL Can Play To Share Cost And
GAFFL could be helpful in saving money and
sharing expenses with fellow solo travelers, as well as cultivating new
friendships. For many trips and excursions, you will end up paying more as a
solo traveler, which could potentially be avoided.

How I Manage Costs During My Travels
I don’t necessarily travel on a budget, but
there are some things I do to ensure my trips don’t cost an arm and a leg.
example, when possible I like to book Airbnbs for over 4 weeks - there is
usually a hefty discount. Plus, you have your own apartment. This is crucial
for me with work and traveling with a dog. I usually spend less than $700 USD per
month on accommodation (less than my rent in the States).
I also like traveling to places that have a
weaker (or similar) currency than USD, or places that are low-cost in general.
Ecuador, Romania, Hungary, etc. are some examples of great places to visit on a
budget. You can live like a king without spending like one.

Number Of Countries I Have Traveled To So Far And
My Bucket List
I think I’ve only been to 20 countries, but
many of those I’ve stayed in for months or had multiple extended visits.
my travels are mainly concentrated in Europe and North America, any destination
in Southeast Asia or Africa would probably be on my bucket list.
Some top
contenders that come to mind include Indonesia, Vietnam, Senegal, Mozambique,
Tanzania, Madagascar.

Yoga And Its Benefits
To fully delve into the benefits of yoga is
definitely beyond the scope of this interview, haha! Seriously, yoga can help
with anything. For me, it was mostly about acceptance and learning to be with
what is - not trying to escape difficult situations, but rather, learning to be
nonreactive in such cases. The same goes for mindfulness. Sure, yoga has some
great physical benefits as well, but for me, the draw is in what goes on inside
the brain.
Yoga helped a great deal when I was on lockdown
alone with my dog in a foreign country. It also stopped me from drinking a
bottle of wine every day!

Advice For Other Full-Time Travelers
Have a plan and have a backup plan. Part of my
fearlessness in traveling full time comes from the fact that I have a great
support system back home and I know my parents will help me out of any jam I
find myself in - not everyone has this option and I appreciate that.
Have multiple income sources! I wish I had
solidified some other side hustles in light of recent events with the Chinese
Lessons I Have Learned Through Traveling
Expect that things will go wrong. Something
surely will! But it’s not the end of the world and is almost always just a
minor inconvenience.
There are countless lessons I’ve learned
through traveling. Most are somehow related to compassion, understanding,
open-mindedness, and acceptance. Learning that your way of life is not the only
way of life is a great lesson that everyone should learn, somehow.
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