Finding Freedom in Solo Travel: The Inspiring Journey of Laure Meyers
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Laure Meyers
Laure Meyers is a full-time solo traveler from Belgium who has been exploring various countries in Asia for the past year.
26th Mar | 13 min read

Table of Contents

    Laure Meyers is a full-time solo traveler from Belgium who has been exploring various countries in Asia for the past year. Currently, she is in Bangladesh, soaking up the local culture and discovering the hidden gems of this beautiful country. 

    As the author of Laure Wanders, a popular travel and adventure blog for women traveling alone, Laure shares her experiences and tips with other travelers who want to get off the beaten path and visit unusual places. Her blog is a great place to look for ideas and practical advice about traveling alone in strange places.

    Leaving behind a typical 9-5 job to pursue her passion for travel, Laure's courage and determination to explore non-touristy and unusual destinations are truly inspiring. Her love of traveling alone and climbing has taken her on many adventures that have given her a unique view of the world that few others have had.

    As an introvert, Laure's journey serves as a testament to the power of self-discovery and staying true to oneself. Her ability to find happiness and fulfillment in exploring new places on her own terms will undoubtedly inspire readers who may have felt like solo travel was not for them.

    If you're looking to break out of your comfort zone and pursue your own passions, Laure's story is the perfect place to start. Take a page from her book and discover the joy and freedom that come with exploring the world on your own terms.

    Also, be sure to check out her Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to learn more about her excursions.

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    Breaking Out of My Comfort Zone: My First Solo Trip

    Solo traveling is something I've always wanted to do, but it took a long time before I found the courage to go on my first solo trip.

    When I was in my teens and early twenties, anxiety was very present in my life. At my “lowest point," I couldn't do simple things like take a bus or go to a shop anymore because it scared me to death, which is when I knew something had to change.

    Long story short, I decided to get help, and it took years before I felt ready to go on my first solo trip. This is something I wanted to do so badly because I wanted to prove to myself that I am capable of conquering my fears and stepping out of my comfort zone.

    What I didn't expect is that I would end up loving solo travel so much. That first solo trip didn't only teach me that I was capable of conquering my fears. It also boosted my confidence because I now know that I could rely on myself, which was so liberating.

    Read more: How To Plan A Solo Trip For First Timers

    How I Decide Where To Travel Next

    I look at destinations close to where I am and then decide which ones I'd like to visit. For example, I am in Bangladesh now and am heading back to neighboring India once my visa expires.

    Other things I also consider are the cost of traveling, the weather (I was in the South of India in the middle of the summer last year and learned my lesson), and how long you can stay with a visa.

    Read more:  Top 70 Best Solo Travel Destinations to Explore in 2023

    Laure Wanders

    How I Travel and Work Remotely: Tips for Digital Nomads

    My trip to Asia started a little over a year ago, but I don't know when it will end yet. I don't plan things very far in advance, but I do plan to go back to Belgium for a few months this year or at the beginning of next year.

    When it comes to countries, I mostly stay in a country for as long as my visa allows me to, which is usually between 1 and 3 months. I like to travel slowly because I work at the same time and like to soak up a country's atmosphere. But the duration also depends on how much I like a country. For example, I spent 6 months in India last year (with 1 visa run) and am heading back soon.

    After deciding on a location, I look up what places I want to visit and make a rough itinerary (which I rarely stick to). I also like to look up more practical things like what sim card I should get, what the main modes of transportation are, and if there are other important things I should know. Apart from that, I don't plan so much in advance.

    Read more: 10 Best Countries In Europe To Live For Cheap - Digital Nomads, Expats, & Retirees (Cost Breakdown)

    From Dreaming Of New York To Living A Traveling Lifestyle

    Ever since I can remember, I wanted to move out of Belgium and start traveling. This was before I knew a full-time traveling lifestyle existed. As a kid, I dreamed about moving to New York and loved staring at the old postcards of this city.

    When I was in my twenties and started traveling, it soon became clear that I have a weak spot for Asia, and every time I went on a trip, all I wanted was for it to continue. At the time, I had a 9 to 5 job that allowed me to go on two trips a year, and I worked there for 8 years. Although I worked for a nice company and had great colleagues, it became more and more clear that that was not the life I wanted to live.

    However, deciding to quit that job took years. The thought of losing the security of having a fixed paycheck at the end of the month was terrifying to me, so I kept postponing it.

    Then 2020 came, and I think we all remember what happened then. That year opened my eyes and made me realize that the things I took for granted are not so obvious. I reached a point where escaping the rat race and living another type of life was more important than that paycheck I was holding on to so desperately, and that's when I decided to quit.

    I had to make some compromises to pursue this lifestyle. My relationship ended, and I was living off of my savings for the most part. I created my blog 3 years before quitting my job, and during those years, I worked 60 to 70 hours a week in total trying to get it off the ground.

    Read more: From 9 to 5 to Full-Time Adventure: Meet the Savvy Digital Nomad Couple Traveling the World on a Shoestring Budget

    Meeting Incredible People During My Travels

    I've been thinking about this for a while, and it's hard to name my favorite memories. I've met so many incredible people during my travels, both locals and other travelers. What I love is hearing their stories and where they're coming from or what drives them. These stories are so varied, and it makes you realize how many interesting and inspiring people there are in the world.

    Another thing I love about certain countries is the people's incredible hospitality. For example, I was in Madurai (India) last year during the Chithirai festival and didn't see any other travelers there, but the people who were celebrating welcomed me with open arms. They handed me free food and drinks at market stalls, and although people didn't speak English very well, they still invited me to join them and celebrate with them.

    Read more: This Fun Couple Met On A Boat Over A Decade Ago And Have Been Living & Traveling Around The World Ever Since

    Laure Wanders

    40 Countries and Counting: My Favorite Travel Memories So Far

    I've traveled to 40 countries so far, many of them solo. My goal is not to travel to as many countries as possible, though, and I love returning to a country if I like it or want to see more of it. I've spent a little over 6 months in India, for example, and am heading back there next month.

    Some of my favorite memories are riding the motorbike in Spiti Valley in the Indian Himalayas, learning about Voodoo in Benin, and camping next to an erupting volcano in Guatemala – these were AMAZING! It would be weird to add backpacking through Bangladesh to this list, as I'm still in this country at the moment, but I have a feeling it will be part of my favorite travel memories too.

    Something I've learned since I started traveling full-time is that I prefer visiting more non-touristy destinations and will do so more and more in the future. My bucket list destinations are the Himalayan Mountains, Volcano Acatenango in Guatemala, and Sumatra, a more off-the-beaten-path island in Indonesia.

    Read more: Tam Is On A Mission To Help Travelers Find Fulfilling Adventures All Over The World

    Laure Wanders

    Some Of My Coolest Travel Experiences

    Last year, I rode a bullet in Spiti Valley, in the Himalayan Mountains in India, and it was one of the coolest things I've ever done! I felt as free as a bird, and the dry desert landscapes were incredible. At times, it seemed as if I were on another planet.

    Another one of my favorite travel experiences was climbing Volcano Acatenango in Guatemala. It's an overnight hike where you get to camp next to an erupting volcano (Fuego). The views during the day are already spectacular, but once it gets dark, the erupting lava illuminates the volcano, which is even more spectacular!

    I also trekked and hiked in the Himalayas a couple of times, both in India (Himachal Pradesh) and in Nepal (Annapurna Region). The mountains are my happy place, and I don't think I will ever get bored of them.

    Another great memory is learning about Voodoo in Benin, West Africa. I'm fascinated by mysterious cultures and religions, so I decided to head to Benin, which is where Voodoo originated, a couple of years ago. It was an interesting trip that opened my eyes in many aspects.

    Read more: Devin Is A Solo Traveler & A Travel Blogger Who Loves To Go On Unique Adventures All Around The World

    Laure Wanders

    Why I Started My Blog

    Before I had my blog, I thought travel blogs were so useful to research your destination or figure out how to get from one point to another, for example. I noticed that it was more difficult to find up-to-date information about some countries; Togo and Benin are examples, and this is one of the reasons why I decided to start my blog.

    I also want to inspire women to travel solo. I know it's not for everyone, but traveling alone is not as scary as it may seem. It can teach you so much, and make you gain confidence too.

    How I Manage My Costs

    I travel using public transportation, often eat at local restaurants, and stay in budget accommodations. If something is too expensive, I skip it, and I rarely go on tours or hire a guide.

    Apart from that, I also travel to countries where the cost of living is not too high. You can also get a better price for accommodation when you stay longer, which is perfect for me because I travel slowly due to work.

    The Nomadic Life: Finding Your Own Rhythm on the Road

    I stay in places for a longer time and have working, exploring, and moving days. Something I'm struggling with is finding time to rest in between, but I will get there!

    When I just started traveling, I was moving from one place to another pretty fast, and that's something that gets exhausting after a while, especially when you're working at the same time. These days, I try to stay in one place for at least 5 nights, but when I like a place, I stay there for a couple of weeks.

    I have to admit that this part is not easy, especially when your visa doesn't allow you to stay in a country for a very long time. My visa for Bangladesh allows me to stay here for a month, and I'd like to see as much as I can within the time that I have here, which means I'm traveling faster than usual and regularly finding myself working until late at night.

    Read more: Katie Shares How She Overcame Her Fear Of Solo Travel & How Remote Work Helps Her Maintain Work-Life Balance

    Laure Wanders

    The Importance of Discipline for Full-Time Travelers

    Having discipline is important. It can be tempting to explore all the time, but if you want to make full-time travel a lifestyle, you will have to put work aside too. That means you will have to say no sometimes when people invite you to explore with them and put work first. It also means you will have to travel slower than most people to make sure you get the work done. It is motivating to work when you know that's what keeps you on the road, though!

    Read more:  Anna Shares Her Experience Of Traveling Over 30 Countries As A Digital Nomad And Mesmerizing Stories Of How Strangers Became Her Life Savers And Friends

    GAFFL For Solo Travelers

    I think GAFFL does a great job helping solo travelers connect with like-minded people. It's also a great platform to find a suitable travel buddy and save money at the same time. It's not only nice to travel with someone from time to time, but traveling solo can get expensive because there's no one to share the costs of accommodation or transportation with.

    How to Stay Motivated as a Full-Time Traveler

    Go for it!! I know how tempting it can be to wait for the right time, but the right time may never come. One of the best tips I can give is to connect with full-time travelers and surround yourself with like-minded people. You can learn a lot from them, and it can change your mindset too.

    Right before I quit my job and started traveling full-time, I started connecting with plenty of people who had the same interest or who were already traveling full-time. This changed my mindset completely, instead of focusing on everything that might go wrong, I started seeing possibilities everywhere. If other people can do it, so can you!

    Read more: Navigating Love, Loss, and Adventure: Sarah's Journey of Grief, Solo Travel, and Discovering Her True Potential

    Solo Travel: A Journey of Self-Discovery 

    I've learned so many lessons!! The most important thing that solo travel has taught me is that I'm capable of more than I think I am. If you had told me 10 years ago that I'd travel the world by myself one day, I can guarantee you that I would not have believed you. Apart from that, solo travel also taught me to rely on myself and solve problems, which boosted my confidence.

    Something I wish I had known before I started traveling is how important it is to be organized. There are so many things to keep in mind (applying for visas, not overstaying your visa, transportation, weather, budget, itinerary, etc.). When you're traveling full-time, as I was when I just started, this - in combination with exploring and working—can be a bit overwhelming. I've learned to take the time to plan things better after accidentally overstaying my visa in India, which led to a bunch of administrative work.

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