Inspiration To Quit My Job & Start Traveling
I had always loved traveling but found I never really had the time to do it. After having an epic honeymoon in Hawaii, I had decided to start an Instagram account to share some of my photography and to get inspired by other accounts to travel more. I started to make a ton of connections with really cool people traveling all over the world.
Many of them quit their jobs and worked for themselves or were on career breaks. At this point, I was feeling extremely burnt out at work and decided to make the leap.

How I Choose My Next Destination
I check out Skyscanner or Hopper to find the best ticket prices at the time I want to travel. In general, I want to go just about everywhere, so I start with the best price first!
Duration Of My Trips
It really depends. I generally travel with my husband and our pup if we stay domestic. Generally, I like to be at the destination for at least 4 full days.
To prepare, I start working on putting together a loose itinerary of all the top attractions I want to see. I map it all out on my Google maps and also write it as a list on a piece of paper.

How I Pack For My Trips
If we are flying, I am all about the carry-on lifestyle. If we are doing a road trip, I am the complete opposite. My must-haves are my computer and camera gear.
Depending on our destination, I have some other must-haves added to my packing guide. As long as I have these two things, just about everything else can be replaced at my destination in a worst-case scenario.
Favorite Memories Of Meeting New People
We have met so many people, but while in Bali, we met a really cool German couple that we would be doing a full-day private tour of the Nusa Islands.
Originally it was supposed to be a private tour, but they asked if we'd mind if another couple joined us. I was glad we said yes because it made the day a lot more fun and we overall just had a really good time!

Inspiration To Start My Blog
Once I decided to quit my job to travel, I started my blog as a diary to keep friends and family in the loop. Then when people started to ask me questions on what to do, I started making my blog more informative with itineraries and tips on what to do.
I loved the idea of helping people travel - it literally brings me so much joy. When I see people searching my site, leaving comments, and asking questions, it makes all the hard work I do worth it.
Travel is a way of life for me and helping others have a better experience traveling will always be one of my main goals!
Countries I Have Visited
I have been to 13 countries - way less than I'd hope to at this point. However, I have had a lot of fun trips abroad and within the USA.

My Exciting Travel Experiences
Some of my favorite travel experiences are from before I started traveling for a living. Swimming with sea turtles in Maui has always been a really special moment for me and seeing the sunrise at Mt. Haleakala back in 2017 is still my favorite sunrise I've ever witnessed.
How Do I Manage Costs
I have always been a saver and very conscious of what I can and can't afford. I also have an accountant that helps me.
How I Think GAFFL Can Help Travelers
When I was younger, I thought travel was so expensive, therefore I wouldn't be able to travel. While I learned this isn't true, I think GAFFL helps make travel more affordable, accessible and gives like-minded people the opportunity to connect.
Challenges & Compromises I Had To Make
When my husband and I decided to quit, we had saved up enough money to feel pretty comfortable for a while. At the time we had also started our own dropship store. We were also fortunate enough to live at my husband's parents' house which really allowed us to save.
We also cut back on going out to eat, packing our own lunch, cutting subscriptions, etc. By doing this, it allowed us to feel more comfortable quitting knowing we had a nice cushion.

Advice For Travelers Who Want To Quit Their Job For Full-Time Traveling
I think life is so short, so if this is something you want to do - go for it! Shoot for the moon! Before you quit though, I believe in having a plan and really honing in on finances and budget. Doing your research on where you are staying and the average costs per day you might incur. Know what all your options are in case something goes south.
Also, know that there are so many ways to make money and travel full-time. I feel like many people think they have to be a blogger and that's not the case. There are more remote jobs now than ever before!
I personally think having travel health insurance is pretty important and I've used it a couple of times.
Also just really understanding your travel style. We spent a lot of time in Southeast Asia because we knew our money would go far there without having to stay in hostels.
Things I Wish I'd Knew When I First Started Traveling
Well for one, I wish I knew I could start traveling earlier! I have learned more than I can count from traveling. Some lessons that come to mind are through traveling. I learned I don't need much to make me happy - travel, animals, coffee, and pizza do it for me. I learned how amazing it is to learn and connect with different cultures and I was reminded how beautiful our world is.